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The q-series identity product_(n=1)^(infty)((1-q^(2n))(1-q^(3n))(1-q^(8n))(1-q^(12n)))/((1-q^n)(1-q^(24n))) = ...
A map psi:M->M, where M is a manifold, is a finite-to-one factor of a map Psi:X->X if there exists a continuous surjective map pi:X->M such that psi degreespi=pi degreesPsi ...
A set which contains a nonnegative integral number of elements is said to be finite. A set which is not finite is said to be infinite. A finite or countably infinite set is ...
A set function mu is finitely additive if, given any finite disjoint collection of sets {E_k}_(k=1)^n on which mu is defined, mu( union _(k=1)^nE_k)=sum_(k=1)^nmu(E_k).
The finite difference is the discrete analog of the derivative. The finite forward difference of a function f_p is defined as Deltaf_p=f_(p+1)-f_p, (1) and the finite ...
A method for solving an equation by approximating continuous quantities as a set of quantities at discrete points, often regularly spaced into a so-called grid or mesh. ...
An extension field F subset= K is called finite if the dimension of K as a vector space over F (the so-called degree of K over F) is finite. A finite field extension is ...
A finite field is a field with a finite field order (i.e., number of elements), also called a Galois field. The order of a finite field is always a prime or a power of a ...
A game in which each player has a finite number of moves and a finite number of choices at each move.
A finite geometry is a geometry with a finite number of points. When confined to a plane, all finite geometries are either projective plane geometries (with no parallel ...
