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"The" Smarandache constant is the smallest solution to the generalized Andrica's conjecture, x approx 0.567148 (OEIS A038458). The first Smarandache constant is defined as ...
The Smarandache function mu(n) is the function first considered by Lucas (1883), Neuberg (1887), and Kempner (1918) and subsequently rediscovered by Smarandache (1980) that ...
SNTP(n) is the smallest prime such that p#-1, p#, or p#+1 is divisible by n, where p# is the primorial of p. Ashbacher (1996) shows that SNTP(n) only exists 1. If there are ...
Consider the consecutive number sequences formed by the concatenation of the first n positive integers: 1, 12, 123, 1234, ... (OEIS A007908; Smarandache 1993, Dumitrescu and ...
Let A be some attribute (e.g., possible, present, perfect, etc.). If all is A, then the non-A must also be A. For example, "All is possible, the impossible too," and "Nothing ...
A Smarandache prime is a prime Smarandache number, i.e., a prime number of the form 1234...n. Surprisingly, no Smarandache primes are known as of Nov. 2015. Upper limits on ...
Smarandache sequences are any of a number of simply generated integer sequences resembling those considered in published works by Smarandache such as the consecutive number ...
Consecutive Smith numbers. The first few Smith brothers are (728, 729), (2964, 2965), (3864, 3865), (4959, 4960), ... (OEIS A050219 and A050220).
The set of fixed points which do not move as a knot is transformed into itself is not a knot. The conjecture was proved in 1978 (Morgan and Bass 1984). According to Morgan ...
Let A be an n×n matrix over a field F. Using the three elementary row and column operations over elements in the field, the n×n matrix xI-A with entries from the principal ...
