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The set of roots of a polynomial f(x,y,z)=0. An algebraic surface is said to be of degree n=max(i+j+k), where n is the maximum sum of powers of all terms ...
Any tangle obtained by additions and multiplications of rational tangles (Adams 1994).
Algebraic topology is the study of intrinsic qualitative aspects of spatial objects (e.g., surfaces, spheres, tori, circles, knots, links, configuration spaces, etc.) that ...
The algebraic unknotting number of a knot K in S^3 is defined as the algebraic unknotting number of the S-equivalence class of a Seifert matrix of K. The algebraic unknotting ...
An algebraic variety is a generalization to n dimensions of algebraic curves. More technically, an algebraic variety is a reduced scheme of finite type over a field K. An ...
A field K is said to be algebraically closed if every polynomial with coefficients in K has a root in K.
Let K be a field, and A a K-algebra. Elements y_1, ..., y_n are algebraically independent over K if the natural surjection K[Y_1,...,Y_n]->K[y_1,...,y_n] is an isomorphism. ...
The algebraics, sometimes denoted A (Derbyshire 2004, p. 173), are the set of algebraic numbers. The set of algebraic numbers is implemented in the Wolfram Language as ...
An analytic function f(z) satisfying the irreducible algebraic equation A_0(z)f^k+A_1(z)f^(k-1)+...+A_k(z)=0 with single-valued meromorphic functions A_j(z) in a complex ...
An algorithm is a specific set of instructions for carrying out a procedure or solving a problem, usually with the requirement that the procedure terminate at some point. ...
