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A diagram lemma which states that every short exact sequence of chain complexes and chain homomorphisms 0-->C-->^phiD-->^psiE-->0 gives rise to a long exact sequence in ...
The ordinary differential equation y=xf(y^')+g(y^'), where y^'=dy/dx and f and g are given functions. This equation is sometimes also known as Lagrange's equation (Zwillinger ...
Graphs corresponding to closed walks of length k are known as k-cyclic graphs, or C_k-graphs for short. C_k-graphs are connected by definition. The numbers of C_k-graphs for ...
The above topological structure, composed of a countable union of compact sets, is called Alexander's horned sphere. It is homeomorphic with the ball B^3, and its boundary is ...
The definition of an Anosov map is the same as for an Anosov diffeomorphism except that instead of being a diffeomorphism, it is a map. In particular, an Anosov map is a C^1 ...
Many authors (e.g., Mendelson 1963; Pervin 1964) use the term arcwise-connected as a synonym for pathwise-connected. Other authors (e.g., Armstrong 1983; Cullen 1968; and ...
B-trees were introduced by Bayer (1972) and McCreight. They are a special m-ary balanced tree used in databases because their structure allows records to be inserted, ...
A bishop graph is a graph formed from possible moves of a bishop chess piece, which may make diagonal moves of any length on a chessboard (or any other board). To form the ...
If the section function of a centered convex body in n-dimensional Euclidean space (n>=3) is smaller than that of another such body, is its volume also smaller? The solution ...
"Casting out nines" is an elementary check of a multiplication which makes use of the congruence 10^n=1 (mod 9). Let decimal numbers be written a=a_n...a_2a_1a_0, ...
