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11501 - 11510 of 13134 for gas kinetic theorySearch Results
A tube of radius r of a set gamma is the set of points at a distance r from gamma. In particular, if gamma(t) is a regular space curve whose curvature does not vanish, then ...
A Tucker hexagon is a hexagon inscribed in a reference triangle that has sides which are alternately parallel and antiparallel to the corresponding sides of the triangle. ...
J. Tupper concocted the amazing formula 1/2<|_mod(|_y/(17)_|2^(-17|_x_|-mod(|_y_|,17)),2)_|, where |_x_| is the floor function and mod(b,m) is the mod function, which, when ...
The Tusi couple is a 2-cusped hypocycloid obtained by rolling a circle of radius a inside a circle of radius 2a. The result is a line segment (Steinhaus 1999, p. 145; Kanas ...
Consider two directly similar triangles DeltaA_1B_1C_1 and DeltaA_2B_2C_2 with B_1C_1:A_1C_1:A_1B_1=B_2C_2:A_2C_2:A_2B_2=a:b:c. Then a·A_1A_2, b·B_1B_2 and c·C_1C_2 form the ...
A formal type of proof most frequently encountered in elementary geometry courses in which known or derived statements are written in the left column, and the reason that ...
A Tychonoff plank is a topological space that is an example of a normal space which has a non-normal subset, thus showing that normality is not a hereditary property. Let ...
Also called a T_(3+1/2)-space, a Tychonoff space is a completely regular space (with the additional condition that it be T_1 for those authors who do not assume this in the ...
A product space product_(i in I)X_i is compact iff X_i is compact for all i in I. In other words, the topological product of any number of compact spaces is compact. In ...
Let L be a language of first-order predicate logic, let I be an indexing set, and for each i in I, let A_i be a structure of the language L. Let u be an ultrafilter in the ...
