A Tychonoff plank is a topological space that is an example of a normal space which has a non-normal
subset, thus showing that normality is not a hereditary
property. Let
be the set of all ordinals which are less than or equal to
, and
the set of all ordinals which are less than or equal
Consider the set
with the product topology induced by the order
topologies of
is normal, but the subset
is not. It can be shown
that the set
of all elements of
whose first coordinate is equal to
and the set
of all elements of
whose second coordinate is equal to
are disjoint closed subsets
, but there are no disjoint open subsets
such that
Tychonoff Plank
See also
Hereditary Property, Normal Space, Topological SpaceThis entry contributed by Margherita Barile
Explore with Wolfram|Alpha
Kelley, J. L. General Topology. New York: Van Nostrand, p. 132, 1955.Willard, S. General Topology. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, pp. 122-123, 1970.Referenced on Wolfram|Alpha
Tychonoff PlankCite this as:
Barile, Margherita. "Tychonoff Plank." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource, created by Eric W. Weisstein. https://mathworld.wolfram.com/TychonoffPlank.html