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An abstract vector space of dimension n over a field k is the set of all formal expressions a_1v_1+a_2v_2+...+a_nv_n, (1) where {v_1,v_2,...,v_n} is a given set of n objects ...
The series z=ln(e^xe^y) (1) for noncommuting variables x and y. The first few terms are z_1 = x+y (2) z_2 = 1/2(xy-yx) (3) z_3 = 1/(12)(x^2y+xy^2-2xyx+y^2x+yx^2-2yxy) (4) z_4 ...
The sequence a(n) given by the exponents of the highest power of 2 dividing n, i.e., the number of trailing 0s in the binary representation of n. For n=1, 2, ..., the first ...
Cauchy's integral formula states that f(z_0)=1/(2pii)∮_gamma(f(z)dz)/(z-z_0), (1) where the integral is a contour integral along the contour gamma enclosing the point z_0. It ...
A giraffe graph is a graph formed by all possible moves of a hypothetical chess piece called a "giraffe" which moves analogously to a knight except that it is restricted to ...
A grammar defining formal language L is a quadruple (N,T,R,S), where N is a finite set of nonterminals, T is a finite set of terminal symbols, R is a finite set of ...
A cycle of a graph G, also called a circuit if the first vertex is not specified, is a subset of the edge set of G that forms a path such that the first node of the path ...
Green's theorem is a vector identity which is equivalent to the curl theorem in the plane. Over a region D in the plane with boundary partialD, Green's theorem states ...
A group G is said to act on a set X when there is a map phi:G×X->X such that the following conditions hold for all elements x in X. 1. phi(e,x)=x where e is the identity ...
The Heawood graph is a cubic graph on 14 vertices and 21 edges which is the unique (3,6)-cage graph. It is also a Moore graph. It has graph diameter 3, graph radius 3, and ...