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The skeleton of a trapezohedron may be termed a trapezohedral graph. n-trapezohedral graphs are illustrated above for n=3 to 10 in circular embeddings with the two interior ...
A bridgeless graph, also called an isthmus-free graph, is a graph that contains no graph bridges. Examples of bridgeless graphs include complete graphs on n>2 nodes, cycle ...
Let Y^X be the set of continuous mappings f:X->Y. Then the topological space Y^X supplied with the compact-open topology is called a mapping space, and if X=I is taken as the ...
The Mephisto waltz sequence is defined by beginning with 0 and then iterating the maps 0->001 and 1->110. This gives 0, 001, 001001110, 001001110001001110110110001, ... (OEIS ...
Let A={a_1,a_2,...} be a free Abelian semigroup, where a_1 is the identity element, and let mu(n) be the Möbius function. Define mu(a_n) on the elements of the semigroup ...
A prime circle of order 2n is a free circular permutation of the numbers from 1 to 2n with adjacent pairs summing to a prime. The number of prime circles for n=1, 2, ..., are ...
The S distribution is defined in terms of its distribution function F(x) as the solution to the initial value problem (dF)/(dx)=alpha(F^g-F^h), where F(x_0)=F_0 (Savageau ...
The Sharpe ratio is a risk-adjusted financial measure developed by Nobel Laureate William Sharpe. It uses a fund's standard deviation and excess return to determine the ...
The term two-sided ideal is used in noncommutative rings to denote a subset that is both a right ideal and a left ideal. In commutative rings, where right and left are ...
A general type of statistical distribution which is related to the gamma distribution. Beta distributions have two free parameters, which are labeled according to one of two ...