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Consider an n-dimensional deterministic dynamical system x^_^.=f^_(x) and let S be an n-1-dimensional surface of section that is traverse to the flow, i.e., all trajectories ...
The maximum flow between vertices v_i and v_j in a graph G is exactly the weight of the smallest set of edges to disconnect G with v_i and v_j in different components (Ford ...
Let C^*(u) denote the number of nowhere-zero u-flows on a connected graph G with vertex count n, edge count m, and connected component count c. This quantity is called the ...
Algorithmic graph theory is the study of graph traversal and generation and the complexity of these operations. Topics in algorithmic graph theory include Eulerian and ...
The system of partial differential equations describing fluid flow in the absence of viscosity, given by (partialu)/(partialt)+u·del u=-(del P)/rho, where u is the fluid ...
The general equation of fluid flow (lambda+2mu)del (del ·u)-mudel x(del xu)=rho(partial^2u)/(partialt^2), where mu and lambda are coefficients of viscosity, u is the velocity ...
Intuitively, a d-dimensional discrete percolation model is said to be long-range if direct flow is possible between pairs of graph vertices or graph edges which are "very ...
The Ricci flow equation is the evolution equation d/(dt)g_(ij)(t)=-2R_(ij) for a Riemannian metric g_(ij), where R_(ij) is the Ricci curvature tensor. Hamilton (1982) showed ...
If k|n, then the complete k-uniform hypergraph on n vertices decomposes into 1-factors, where a 1-factor is a set of n/k pairwise disjoint k-sets. Brouwer and Schrijver ...
Let G=(V,E) be a (not necessarily simple) undirected edge-weighted graph with nonnegative weights. A cut C of G is any nontrivial subset of V, and the weight of the cut is ...
