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Let a set of vertices A in a connected graph G be called convex if for every two vertices x,y in A, the vertex set of every (x,y) graph geodesic lies completely in A. Also ...
The operation of multiplication, i.e., a times b. Various notations are a×b, a·b, a*b, ab, and (a)(b). The "multiplication sign" × is based on Saint Andrew's cross (Bergamini ...
The Lovász number theta(G) of a graph G, sometimes also called the theta function of G, was introduced by Lovász (1979) with the explicit goal of estimating the Shannon ...
A labeling phi of (the vertices) of a graph G with positive integers taken from the set {1,2,...,r} is said to be r-distinguishing if no graph automorphism of G preserves all ...
Let N^* be the smallest dimension n of a hypercube such that if the lines joining all pairs of corners are two-colored for any n>=N^*, a complete graph K_4 of one color with ...
A type of number involving the roots of unity which was developed by Kummer while trying to solve Fermat's last theorem. Although factorization over the integers is unique ...
A function y=f(x) has critical points at all points x_0 where f^'(x_0)=0 or f(x) is not differentiable. A function z=f(x,y) has critical points where the gradient del f=0 or ...
A figurate number of the form P_n^((4))=1/6n(n+1)(2n+1), (1) corresponding to a configuration of points which form a square pyramid, is called a square pyramidal number (or ...
The algebraic unknotting number of a knot K in S^3 is defined as the algebraic unknotting number of the S-equivalence class of a Seifert matrix of K. The algebraic unknotting ...
The least number of crossings that occur in any projection of a link. In general, it is difficult to find the crossing number of a given link. Knots and links are generally ...
