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111 - 120 of 215 for first law thermodynamicsSearch Results
The l^2-norm (also written "l^2-norm") |x| is a vector norm defined for a complex vector x=[x_1; x_2; |; x_n] (1) by |x|=sqrt(sum_(k=1)^n|x_k|^2), (2) where |x_k| on the ...
To fit a functional form y=Ae^(Bx), (1) take the logarithm of both sides lny=lnA+Bx. (2) The best-fit values are then a = ...
An n×m matrix A^- is a 1-inverse of an m×n matrix A for which AA^-A=A. (1) The Moore-Penrose matrix inverse is a particular type of 1-inverse. A matrix equation Ax=b (2) has ...
Let A={a_1,a_2,...} be a free Abelian semigroup, where a_1 is the identity element, and let mu(n) be the Möbius function. Define mu(a_n) on the elements of the semigroup ...
Montgomery's pair correlation conjecture, published in 1973, asserts that the two-point correlation function R_2(r) for the zeros of the Riemann zeta function zeta(z) on the ...
A second-order partial differential equation arising in physics, del ^2psi=-4pirho. If rho=0, it reduces to Laplace's equation. It is also related to the Helmholtz ...
A pseudoinverse is a matrix inverse-like object that may be defined for a complex matrix, even if it is not necessarily square. For any given complex matrix, it is possible ...
The signature of a non-degenerate quadratic form Q=y_1^2+y_2^2+...+y_p^2-y_(p+1)^2-y_(p+2)^2-...-y_r^2 of rank r is most often defined to be the ordered pair (p,q)=(p,r-p) of ...
A generalization of the binomial coefficient whose notation was suggested by Knuth, |_n; k]=(|_n]!)/(|_k]!|_n-k]!), (1) where |_n] is a Roman factorial. The above expression ...
The Schröder-Bernstein theorem for numbers states that if n<=m<=n, then m=n. For sets, the theorem states that if there are injections of the set A into the set B and of B ...
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