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Let Y^X be the set of continuous mappings f:X->Y. Then the topological space Y^X supplied with the compact-open topology is called a mapping space. If (Y,*) is a pointed ...
The image of the path gamma in C under the function f is called the trace. This usage of the term "trace" is unrelated to the same term applied to matrices or tensors.
The term "pathological" is used in mathematics to refer to an example specifically cooked up to violate certain almost universally valid properties. Pathological problems ...
The pathwidth of a graph G, also called the interval thickness, vertex separation number, and node searching number, is one less than the size of the largest set in a path ...
A topological space X is pathwise-connected iff for every two points x,y in X, there is a continuous function f from [0,1] to X such that f(0)=x and f(1)=y. Roughly speaking, ...
According to G. Pólya, the method of finding geometric objects by intersection. 1. For example, the centers of all circles tangent to a straight line s at a given point P lie ...
The Patterson graph is the graph whose vertices are the 22880 centers of the Sylow 3-groups of the Suzuki group and in which two vertices are adjacent whenever they generate ...
The Pauli matrices, also called the Pauli spin matrices, are complex matrices that arise in Pauli's treatment of spin in quantum mechanics. They are defined by sigma_1 = ...
The (26,8)-Paulus graph having the largest possible graph automorphism group order of all 26-node Paulus graphs (namely 120) is sometimes known as the ...
The Paulus graphs are the 15 strongly regular graphs on 25 nodes with parameters (nu,k,lambda,mu)=(25,12,5,6) and the 10 strongly regular graphs on 26 nodes with parameters ...
