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The Helmholtz differential equation in spherical coordinates is separable. In fact, it is separable under the more general condition that k^2 is of the form ...
On the surface of a sphere, attempt separation of variables in spherical coordinates by writing F(theta,phi)=Theta(theta)Phi(phi), (1) then the Helmholtz differential ...
The Helmholtz differential equation is not separable in toroidal coordinates
Any vector field v satisfying [del ·v]_infty = 0 (1) [del xv]_infty = 0 (2) may be written as the sum of an irrotational part and a solenoidal part, v=-del phi+del xA, (3) ...
An absolutely continuous measure on partialD whose density has the form exp(x+y^_), where x and y are real-valued functions in L^infty, ||y||_infty<pi/2, exp is the ...
The hemicube, which might also be called the square hemiprism, is a simple solid that serves as an example of one of the two topological classes of convex hexahedron having 7 ...
The hemicubical graph is the skeleton of the hemicube. It has 7 vertices, 11 edges, and 6 faces. It is implemented in the Wolfram Language as GraphData["HemicubicalGraph"].
A function S_n(z) which satisfies the recurrence relation S_(n-1)(z)-S_(n+1)(z)=2S_n^'(z) together with S_1(z)=-S_0^'(z) is called a hemicylindrical function.
When the elongated square pyramid with unit edge lengths (i.e., an equilateral obelisk) is truncated by a plane passing through opposite corners of its square base and the ...
The hemiobelisk graph is the skeleton of the hemiobelisk. It has 7 vertices, 11 edges, and 6 faces. It is a minimal unit-distance forbidden graph. It is implemented in the ...
