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A necessary and sufficient condition that there should exist at least one nondecreasing function alpha(t) such that mu_n=int_(-infty)^inftyt^ndalpha(t) for n=0, 1, 2, ..., ...
A basis for the real numbers R, considered as a vector space over the rationals Q, i.e., a set of real numbers {U_alpha} such that every real number beta has a unique ...
A graph G is Hamilton-connected if every two vertices of G are connected by a Hamiltonian path (Bondy and Murty 1976, p. 61). In other words, a graph is Hamilton-connected if ...
A connected bipartite graph is called Hamilton-laceable, a term apparently introduced in Simmons (1978), if it has a u-v Hamiltonian path for all pairs of vertices u and v, ...
A Hamilton decomposition (also called a Hamiltonian decomposition; Bosák 1990, p. 123) of a Hamiltonian regular graph is a partition of its edge set into Hamiltonian cycles. ...
A Hamiltonian cycle, also called a Hamiltonian circuit, Hamilton cycle, or Hamilton circuit, is a graph cycle (i.e., closed loop) through a graph that visits each node ...
A Hamiltonian graph, also called a Hamilton graph, is a graph possessing a Hamiltonian cycle. A graph that is not Hamiltonian is said to be nonhamiltonian. A Hamiltonian ...
A non-Abelian group all of whose subgroups are self-conjugate.
A linear combination of basis quaternions with integer coefficients.
Consider a one-dimensional Hamiltonian map of the form H(p,q)=1/2p^2+V(q), (1) which satisfies Hamilton's equations q^. = (partialH)/(partialp) (2) p^. = ...
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