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Let two players each have a finite number of pennies (say, n_1 for player one and n_2 for player two). Now, flip one of the pennies (from either player), with each player ...
A game is defined as a conflict involving gains and losses between two or more opponents who follow formal rules. The study of games belongs to a branch of mathematics known ...
Let the elements in a payoff matrix be denoted a_(ij), where the is are player A's strategies and the js are player B's strategies. Player A can get at least min_(j<=n)a_(ij) ...
For n players, n-1 games are needed to fairly determine first place, and n-1+lg(n-1) are needed to fairly determine first and second place.
For a general two-player zero-sum game, max_(i<=m)min_(j<=n)a_(ij)<=min_(j<=n)max_(i<=m)a_(ij). If the two are equal, then write ...
Game theory is a branch of mathematics that deals with the analysis of games (i.e., situations involving parties with conflicting interests). In addition to the mathematical ...
The solution to a game in game theory. When a game saddle point is present max_(i<=m)min_(j<=n)a_(ij)=min_(j<=n)max_(i<=m)a_(ij)=v, and v is the value for pure strategies.
Hex is a two-player game invented by Piet Hein in 1942 while a student at Niels Bohr's Institute for Theoretical Physics, and subsequently and independently by John Nash in ...
The game of life is the best-known two-dimensional cellular automaton, invented by John H. Conway and popularized in Martin Gardner's Scientific American column starting in ...
The Game of Logic, described by Lewis Carroll--author of Alice in Wonderland--in 1887 (Carroll 1972) consists of discussing the meaning of propositions like "Some fresh cakes ...
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