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The necker cube is an illusion in which a two-dimensional drawing of an array of cubes appears to simultaneously protrude from and intrude into the page. A Necker cube ...
The pentagonal dipyramid is one of the convex deltahedra, and Johnson solid J_(13). It is also the dual polyhedron of the pentagonal prism U_(76) and is an isohedron. It is ...
The cube-octahedron compound is a polyhedron compound composed of a cube and its dual polyhedron, the octahedron. It is implemented in the Wolfram Language as ...
The deltoidal icositetrahedron is the 24-faced dual polyhedron of the small rhombicuboctahedron A_6 and Wenninger dual W_(13). It is also called the trapezoidal ...
The trefoil knot 3_1, also called the threefoil knot or overhand knot, is the unique prime knot with three crossings. It is a (3, 2)-torus knot and has braid word sigma_1^3. ...
There are a number of attractive compounds of two regular tetrahedra. The most symmetrical is the arrangement whose outer hull is the stella octangula (left figure), while ...
The spherical curve taken by a ship which travels from the south pole to the north pole of a sphere while keeping a fixed (but not right) angle with respect to the meridians. ...
There are several attractive polyhedron compounds consisting of three cubes. The first (left figures) arises by joining three cubes such that each shares two C_2 axes (Holden ...
A number of attractive polyhedron compounds consisting of three octahedra. The first (left figues) is the polyhedron dual of the cube 3-compound. These compounds will be ...
A strange loop is a phenomenon in which, whenever movement is made upwards or downwards through the levels of some hierarchical system, the system unexpectedly arrives back ...
