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Let alpha, -beta, and -gamma^(-1) be the roots of the cubic equation t^3+2t^2-t-1=0, (1) then the Rogers L-function satisfies L(alpha)-L(alpha^2) = 1/7 (2) ...
Let phi(x_1,...,x_m) be an L_(exp) formula, where L_(exp)=L union {e^x} and L is the language of ordered rings L={+,-,·,<,0,1}. Then there exist n>=m and f_1,...,f_s in ...
Differential Geometry
If r is a root of the polynomial equation x^n+a_(n-1)x^(n-1)+...+a_1x+a_0=0, where the a_is are integers and r satisfies no similar equation of degree <n, then r is called an ...
From the point of view of coordinate charts, the notion of tangent space is quite simple. The tangent space consists of all directions, or velocities, a particle can take. In ...
Given a compact manifold M and a transversely orientable codimension-one foliation F on M which is tangent to partialM, the pair (M,F) is called a generalized Reeb component ...
A representation of a group G is a group action of G on a vector space V by invertible linear maps. For example, the group of two elements Z_2={0,1} has a representation phi ...
A grand unified theory of mathematics which includes the search for a generalization of Artin reciprocity (known as Langlands reciprocity) to non-Abelian Galois extensions of ...
A Lie group is a smooth manifold obeying the group properties and that satisfies the additional condition that the group operations are differentiable. This definition is ...
For every even dimension 2n, the symplectic group Sp(2n) is the group of 2n×2n matrices which preserve a nondegenerate antisymmetric bilinear form omega, i.e., a symplectic ...