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Let a particle travel a distance s(t) as a function of time t (here, s can be thought of as the arc length of the curve traced out by the particle). The speed (the scalar ...
An Archimedean spiral is a spiral with polar equation r=atheta^(1/n), (1) where r is the radial distance, theta is the polar angle, and n is a constant which determines how ...
A paradox mentioned in the Greek work Mechanica, dubiously attributed to Aristotle. Consider the above diagram depicting a wheel consisting of two concentric circles of ...
A pair of identical plane regions (mirror symmetric about two perpendicular lines through the center) which can be stitched together to form a baseball (or tennis ball). A ...
The skeleton of the bislit cube is the 8-vertex simple graph, illustrated above in several embeddings, which consists of a cube in which two opposite faces have polyhedron ...
The "Cartesian ovals," sometimes also known as the Cartesian curve or oval of Descartes, are the quartic curve consisting of two ovals. They were first studied by Descartes ...
An algorithm originally described by Barnsley in 1988. Pick a point at random inside a regular n-gon. Then draw the next point a fraction r of the distance between it and a ...
In plane geometry, a chord is the line segment joining two points on a curve. The term is often used to describe a line segment whose ends lie on a circle. The term is also ...
The points of tangency t_1 and t_2 for the four lines tangent to two circles with centers x_1 and x_2 and radii r_1 and r_2 are given by solving the simultaneous equations ...
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