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The term energy has an important physical meaning in physics and is an extremely useful concept. There are several forms energy defined in mathematics. In measure theory, let ...
Voronin (1975) proved the remarkable analytical property of the Riemann zeta function zeta(s) that, roughly speaking, any nonvanishing analytic function can be approximated ...
Laplace's integral is one of the following integral representations of the Legendre polynomial P_n(x), P_n(x) = 1/piint_0^pi(du)/((x+sqrt(x^2-1)cosu)^(n+1))du (1) = ...
The invariants of a Weierstrass elliptic function P(z|omega_1,omega_2) are defined by the Eisenstein series g_2(omega_1,omega_2) = 60sum^'_(m,n)Omega_(mn)^(-4) (1) ...
Let omega_1 and omega_2 be periods of a doubly periodic function, with tau=omega_2/omega_1 the half-period ratio a number with I[tau]!=0. Then Klein's absolute invariant ...
A discontinuity is point at which a mathematical object is discontinuous. The left figure above illustrates a discontinuity in a one-variable function while the right figure ...
There are a number of formulas variously known as Hurwitz's formula. The first is zeta(1-s,a)=(Gamma(s))/((2pi)^s)[e^(-piis/2)F(a,s)+e^(piis/2)F(-a,s)], where zeta(z,a) is a ...
Every nonconstant entire function attains every complex value with at most one exception (Henrici 1988, p. 216; Apostol 1997). Furthermore, every analytic function assumes ...
The tangent numbers, also called a zag number, and given by T_n=(2^(2n)(2^(2n)-1)|B_(2n)|)/(2n), (1) where B_n is a Bernoulli number, are numbers that can be defined either ...
The circle method is a method employed by Hardy, Ramanujan, and Littlewood to solve many asymptotic problems in additive number theory, particularly in deriving an asymptotic ...
