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2211 - 2220 of 3354 for dirichlet functionSearch Results

The modular equation of degree n gives an algebraic connection of the form (K^'(l))/(K(l))=n(K^'(k))/(K(k)) (1) between the transcendental complete elliptic integrals of the ...
A recursive process is one in which objects are defined in terms of other objects of the same type. Using some sort of recurrence relation, the entire class of objects can ...
The elliptic logarithm is generalization of integrals of the form int_infty^x(dt)/(sqrt(t^2+at)), for a real, which can be expressed in terms of logarithmic and inverse ...
Finch (2010) gives an overview of known results for random Gaussian triangles. Let the vertices of a triangle in n dimensions be normal (normal) variates. The probability ...
For the hyperbolic partial differential equation u_(xy) = F(x,y,u,p,q) (1) p = u_x (2) q = u_y (3) on a domain Omega, Goursat's problem asks to find a solution u(x,y) of (3) ...
z(1-z)(d^2y)/(dz^2)+[c-(a+b+1)z](dy)/(dz)-aby=0. It has regular singular points at 0, 1, and infty. Every second-order ordinary differential equation with at most three ...
The Maxwell (or Maxwell-Boltzmann) distribution gives the distribution of speeds of molecules in thermal equilibrium as given by statistical mechanics. Defining a=sqrt(kT/m), ...
The word "normal form" is used in a variety of different ways in mathematics. In general, it refers to a way of representing objects so that, although each may have many ...
Amazingly, the distribution of a sum of two normally distributed independent variates X and Y with means and variances (mu_x,sigma_x^2) and (mu_y,sigma_y^2), respectively is ...
The representation, beloved of engineers and physicists, of a complex number in terms of a complex exponential x+iy=|z|e^(iphi), (1) where i (called j by engineers) is the ...
