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2291 - 2300 of 13135 for dimensional analysisSearch Results
A subset E of a topological space S is said to be of first category in S if E can be written as the countable union of subsets which are nowhere dense in S, i.e., if E is ...
A natural extension of the Riemann p-differential equation given by (d^2w)/(dx^2)+(gamma/x+delta/(x-1)+epsilon/(x-a))(dw)/(dx)+(alphabetax-q)/(x(x-1)(x-a))w=0 where ...
Let X be an infinite set of urelements, and let V(^*X) be an enlargement of V(X). Let H in V(^*X) be an algebra. Then H is hyperfinitely generated provided that it has a ...
A transformation of the form w=f(z)=(az+b)/(cz+d), (1) where a, b, c, d in C and ad-bc!=0, (2) is a conformal mapping called a linear fractional transformation. The ...
(d^2V)/(dv^2)+[a-2qcos(2v)]V=0 (1) (Abramowitz and Stegun 1972; Zwillinger 1997, p. 125), having solution y=C_1C(a,q,v)+C_2S(a,q,v), (2) where C(a,q,v) and S(a,q,v) are ...
There are two versions of the moat-crossing problem, one geometric and one algebraic. The geometric moat problems asks for the widest moat Rapunzel can cross to escape if she ...
The Rogers-Selberg identities are a set of three analytic q-series identities of Rogers-Ramanujan-type appearing as equation 33, 32, and 31 in Slater (1952), A(q) = ...
A Fourier series-like expansion of a twice continuously differentiable function f(x)=1/2a_0+sum_(n=1)^inftya_nJ_0(nx) (1) for 0<x<pi, where J_0(x) is a zeroth order Bessel ...
Suppose that f is an analytic function which is defined in the upper half-disk {|z|^2<1,I[z]>0}. Further suppose that f extends to a continuous function on the real axis, and ...
A subset E of a topological space S is said to be of second category in S if E cannot be written as the countable union of subsets which are nowhere dense in S, i.e., if ...
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