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1561 - 1570 of 13134 for decoherence theorySearch Results
A ring with a unit element in which every element is idempotent.
If a field has the property that, if the sets A_1, ..., A_n, ... belong to it, then so do the sets A_1+...+A_n+... and A_1...A_n..., then the field is called a Borel field ...
Define O = lim_(->)O(n),F=R (1) U = lim_(->)U(n),F=C (2) Sp = lim_(->)Sp(n),F=H. (3) Then Omega^2BU = BU×Z (4) Omega^4BO = BSp×Z (5) Omega^4BSp = BO×Z. (6)
A pair of positive integers (a_1,a_2) such that the equations a_1+a_2x=sigma(a_1)=sigma(a_2)(x+1) (1) have a positive integer solution x, where sigma(n) is the divisor ...
A numerical knot invariant. For a tame knot K, the bridge index is the least bridge number of all planar representations of the knot. The bridge index of the unknot is ...
Brocard's conjecture states that pi(p_(n+1)^2)-pi(p_n^2)>=4 for n>=2, where pi(n) is the prime counting function and p_n is the nth prime. For n=1, 2, ..., the first few ...
The Bron-Kerbosch algorithm is an efficient method for finding all maximal cliques in a graph.
A sequence {nu_i} of nondecreasing positive integers is complete iff 1. nu_1=1. 2. For all k=2, 3, ..., s_(k-1)=nu_1+nu_2+...+nu_(k-1)>=nu_k-1. A corollary states that a ...
The series producing Brun's constant converges even if there are an infinite number of twin primes, first proved by Brun (1919).
A highly structured geometric object used to study groups which act upon them.