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The volume of a polyhedron composed of N triangular faces with vertices (a_i,b_i,c_i) can be computed using the curl theorem as V=1/6sum_(i=1)^Na_i·n_i, where the normal n_i ...
There are no tilings of the equilateral triangle of side length 7 by all the polyhexes of order n=4. There are nine distinct solutions of all the polyhexes of order n=4 which ...
The symmetric statistic k_(r,s,...) defined such that <k_(r,s,...)>=kappa_rkappa_s..., (1) where kappa_r is a cumulant. These statistics generalize k-statistic and were ...
Polykites are polyforms obtained from a regular triangular grid superposed on a regular hexagonal grid (its dual), illustrated above. The monokite is therefore a ...
For a polynomial P=sum_(k=0)^na_kz^k, (1) several classes of norms are commonly defined. The l_p-norm is defined as ||P||_p=(sum_(k=0)^n|a_k|^p)^(1/p) (2) for p>=1, giving ...
The highest order power in a univariate polynomial is known as its order (or, more properly, its polynomial degree). For example, the polynomial ...
A polyomino-like object made by attaching squares joined either at sides or corners. Because neighboring squares can be in relation to one another as kings may move on a ...
Polysticks, sometimes also known as polyedges, are polyforms obtained from the edges of a regular grid. Square polysticks are polyforms obtained from the edges of a regular ...
All Euclidean geometric constructions can be carried out with a straightedge alone if, in addition, one is given the radius of a single circle and its center. The theorem was ...
Let a circle C_1 lie inside another circle C_2. From any point on C_2, draw a tangent to C_1 and extend it to C_2. From the point, draw another tangent, etc. For n tangents, ...
