
Search Results for "decoherence theory"

10041 - 10050 of 13134 for decoherence theorySearch Results
The Griewank function is a function widely used to test the convergence of optimization functions. The Griewank function of order n is defined by ...
"The" Griffiths point Gr is the fixed point in Griffiths' theorem. Given four points on a circle and a line through the center of the circle, the four corresponding Griffiths ...
A special case of nim played by the following rules. Given a heap of size n, two players alternately select a heap and divide it into two unequal heaps. A player loses when ...
The gyrate bidiminished rhombicosidodecahedron is a convex equilateral solid that is Johnson solid J_(82). The unit gyrate bidiminished rhombicosidodecahedron has volume ...
The gyrate rhombicosidodecahedron is a convex equilateral solid obtained by rotating one of the pentagonal cupolas of a small rhombicosidodecahedron by 1/10 of a turn. It is ...
The gyrobifastigium is an octahedron with on 8 vertices, 14 edges, and 8 faces. The equilateral gyrobifastigium is Johnson solid J_(26), consisting of two triangular prisms ...
A two-dimensional generalization of the Haar transform which is used for the compression of astronomical images. The algorithm consists of dividing the 2^N×2^N image into ...
Define psi(x)={1 0<=x<1/2; -1 1/2<x<=1; 0 otherwise (1) and psi_(jk)(x)=psi(2^jx-k) (2) for j a nonnegative integer and 0<=k<=2^j-1. So, for example, the first few values of ...
Any locally compact Hausdorff topological group has a unique (up to scalars) nonzero left invariant measure which is finite on compact sets. If the group is Abelian or ...
With three cuts, dissect an equilateral triangle into a square. The problem was first proposed by Dudeney in 1902, and subsequently discussed in Dudeney (1958), and Gardner ...

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