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7731 - 7740 of 13135 for complex numberSearch Results
The specification of a curve, surface, etc., by means of one or more variables which are allowed to take on values in a given specified range.
A Pareto plot is type of plot used in quality control applications that combines a bar chart displaying percentages of categories in the data with a line graph showing ...
The eigenvalues lambda satisfying P(lambda)=0, where P(lambda) is the characteristic polynomial, lie in the unions of the disks |z|<=1 |z+b_1|<=sum_(j=1)^n|b_j|.
The Poisson integral with n=0, J_0(z)=1/piint_0^picos(zcostheta)dtheta, where J_0(z) is a Bessel function of the first kind.
Let A be a C^*-algebra, then an element u in A is called a partial isometry if uu^*u=u.
For a partial order, the size of the longest chain is called the length.
For a partial order, the size of the longest antichain is called the width.
Given a sequence {a_k}_(k=1)^n, a partial sum of the first N terms is given by S_N=sum_(k=1)^Na_k.
An apodization function similar to the Bartlett function.
Each subsequent row of Pascal's triangle is obtained by adding the two entries diagonally above. This follows immediately from the binomial coefficient identity (n; r) = ...
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