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In general, a singularity is a point at which an equation, surface, etc., blows up or becomes degenerate. Singularities are often also called singular points. Singularities ...
Cis(x) is another name for the complex exponential, Cis(x)=e^(ix)=cosx+isinx. (1) It has derivative d/(dz)Cis(z)=ie^(iz) (2) and indefinite integral intCis(z)dz=-ie^(iz). (3)
The Gershgorin circle theorem (where "Gershgorin" is sometimes also spelled "Gersgorin" or "Gerschgorin") identifies a region in the complex plane that contains all the ...
Let P(z) and Q(z) be univariate polynomials in a complex variable z, and let the polynomial degrees of P and Q satisfy deg(Q)>=deg(P+2). Then int_gamma(P(z))/(Q(z))dz = ...
The only linear associative algebra in which the coordinates are real numbers and products vanish only if one factor is zero are the field of real numbers, the field of ...
An integral obtained by contour integration. The particular path in the complex plane used to compute the integral is called a contour. As a result of a truly amazing ...
The line integral of a vector field F(x) on a curve sigma is defined by int_(sigma)F·ds=int_a^bF(sigma(t))·sigma^'(t)dt, (1) where a·b denotes a dot product. In Cartesian ...
An analytic function f(z) whose Laurent series is given by f(z)=sum_(n=-infty)^inftya_n(z-z_0)^n, (1) can be integrated term by term using a closed contour gamma encircling ...
In its simplest form, the principle of permanence states that, given any analytic function f(z) defined on an open (and connected) set U of the complex numbers C, and a ...
Let G be an open subset of the complex plane C, and let L_a^2(G) denote the collection of all analytic functions f:G->C whose complex modulus is square integrable with ...
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