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Every real number is negative, 0, or positive. The law is sometimes stated as "For arbitrary real numbers a and b, exactly one of the relations a<b, a=b, a>b holds" (Apostol ...
A number traditionally associated with bad luck. A so-called baker's dozen is equal to 13. Fear of the number 13 is called triskaidekaphobia. There are 13 Archimedean solids. ...
The problem of finding the number of different ways in which a product of n different ordered factors can be calculated by pairs (i.e., the number of binary bracketings of n ...
The Hadwiger conjecture is a generalization of the four-color theorem which states that for any loopless graph G with h(G) the Hadwiger number and chi(G) the chromatic ...
The König-Egeváry theorem, sometimes simply called König's theorem, asserts that the matching number (i.e., size of a maximum independent edge set) is equal to the vertex ...
A modification of Legendre's formula for the prime counting function pi(x). It starts with |_x_| = (1) where |_x_| is the floor function, P_2(x,a) is the number of integers ...
A semiprime, also called a 2-almost prime, biprime (Conway et al. 2008), or pq-number, is a composite number that is the product of two (possibly equal) primes. The first few ...
For an integer n>=2, let gpf(x) denote the greatest prime factor of n, i.e., the number p_k in the factorization n=p_1^(a_1)...p_k^(a_k), with p_i<p_j for i<j. For n=2, 3, ...
The game of life is the best-known two-dimensional cellular automaton, invented by John H. Conway and popularized in Martin Gardner's Scientific American column starting in ...
Given a property P, if P(x)∼x as x->infty (so, using asymptotic notation, the number of numbers less than x not satisfying the property P is o(x), where o(x) is one of the ...
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