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Let lim stand for the limit lim_(x->c), lim_(x->c^-), lim_(x->c^+), lim_(x->infty), or lim_(x->-infty), and suppose that lim f(x) and lim g(x) are both zero or are both ...
The Lagrange interpolating polynomial is the polynomial P(x) of degree <=(n-1) that passes through the n points (x_1,y_1=f(x_1)), (x_2,y_2=f(x_2)), ..., (x_n,y_n=f(x_n)), and ...
Landau's function g(n) is the maximum order of an element in the symmetric group S_n. The value g(n) is given by the largest least common multiple of all partitions of the ...
A 4-state two-dimensional Turing machine invented in the 1980s. The ant starts out on a grid containing black and white cells, and then follows the following set of rules. 1. ...
The Laplacian matrix, sometimes also called the admittance matrix (Cvetković et al. 1998, Babić et al. 2002) or Kirchhoff matrix, of a graph G, where G=(V,E) is an ...
Let L=<L, v , ^ > and K=<K, v , ^ > be lattices, and let h:L->K. Then h is a lattice homomorphism if and only if for any a,b in L, h(a v b)=h(a) v h(b) and h(a ^ b)=h(a) ^ ...
Legendre-Gauss quadrature is a numerical integration method also called "the" Gaussian quadrature or Legendre quadrature. A Gaussian quadrature over the interval [-1,1] with ...
The Legendre differential equation is the second-order ordinary differential equation (1-x^2)(d^2y)/(dx^2)-2x(dy)/(dx)+l(l+1)y=0, (1) which can be rewritten ...
The limaçon is a polar curve of the form r=b+acostheta (1) also called the limaçon of Pascal. It was first investigated by Dürer, who gave a method for drawing it in ...
The intersection of two lines L_1 and L_2 in two dimensions with, L_1 containing the points (x_1,y_1) and (x_2,y_2), and L_2 containing the points (x_3,y_3) and (x_4,y_4), is ...
