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An illusion is an object or drawing which appears to have properties which are physically impossible, deceptive, or counterintuitive. Kitaoka maintains a web page of ...
The incidence matrix of a graph gives the (0,1)-matrix which has a row for each vertex and column for each edge, and (v,e)=1 iff vertex v is incident upon edge e (Skiena ...
An injective module is the dual notion to the projective module. A module M over a unit ring R is called injective iff whenever M is contained as a submodule in a module N, ...
The radius of a polygon's incircle or of a polyhedron's insphere, denoted r or sometimes rho (Johnson 1929). A polygon possessing an incircle is same to be inscriptable or ...
Interval arithmetic is the arithmetic of quantities that lie within specified ranges (i.e., intervals) instead of having definite known values. Interval arithmetic can be ...
The proof theories of propositional calculus and first-order logic are often referred to as classical logic. Intuitionistic propositional logic can be described as classical ...
An invertible knot is a knot that can be deformed via an ambient isotopy into itself but with the orientation reversed. A knot that is not invertible is said to be ...
Attach a string to a point on a curve. Extend the string so that it is tangent to the curve at the point of attachment. Then wind the string up, keeping it always taut. The ...
The isotomic conjugate of a point is the point of concurrence Q of the isotomic lines relative to a point P. The isotomic conjugate alpha^':beta^':gamma^' of a point with ...
The Jacobi method is a method of solving a matrix equation on a matrix that has no zeros along its main diagonal (Bronshtein and Semendyayev 1997, p. 892). Each diagonal ...
