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A continuous distribution defined on the range x in [0,2pi) with probability density function P(x)=(e^(bcos(x-a)))/(2piI_0(b)), (1) where I_0(x) is a modified Bessel function ...
A von Neumann regular ring is a ring R such that for all a in R, there exists a b in R satisfying a=aba (Jacobson 1989, p. 196). More formally, a ring R is regular in the ...
An automorphism of a graph is a graph isomorphism with itself, i.e., a mapping from the vertices of the given graph G back to vertices of G such that the resulting graph is ...
The regular tetrahedron, often simply called "the" tetrahedron, is the Platonic solid with four polyhedron vertices, six polyhedron edges, and four equivalent equilateral ...
The 13 Archimedean solids are the convex polyhedra that have a similar arrangement of nonintersecting regular convex polygons of two or more different types arranged in the ...
The 24-cell is a finite regular four-dimensional polytope with Schläfli symbol {3,4,3}. It is also known as the hyperdiamond or icositetrachoron, and is composed of 24 ...
An additive cellular automaton is a cellular automaton whose rule is compatible with an addition of states. Typically, this addition is derived from modular arithmetic. ...
The Alexander polynomial is a knot invariant discovered in 1923 by J. W. Alexander (Alexander 1928). The Alexander polynomial remained the only known knot polynomial until ...
Angle trisection is the division of an arbitrary angle into three equal angles. It was one of the three geometric problems of antiquity for which solutions using only compass ...
The first (called the "Blanuša double" by Orbanić et al. 2004) and second (called the "Blanuša snark" by Orbanić et al. 2004) Blanuša snarks were the second and third snarks ...
