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11271 - 11280 of 13135 for complex numberSearch Results
An orientable surface with one boundary component such that the boundary component of the surface is a given knot K. In 1934, Seifert proved that such a surface can be ...
The spherical curve obtained when moving along the surface of a sphere with constant speed, while maintaining a constant angular velocity with respect to a fixed diameter ...
Let p run over all distinct primitive ordered periodic geodesics, and let tau(p) denote the positive length of p, then every even function h(rho) analytic in ...
Let p run over all distinct primitive ordered periodic geodesics, and let tau(p) denote the positive length of p, then the Selberg zeta function is defined as ...
A sorting algorithm which makes n passes over a set of n elements, in each pass selecting the smallest element and deleting it from the set. This algorithm has running time ...
Consider a second-order differential operator L^~u(x)=p_0(d^2u)/(dx^2)+p_1(du)/(dx)+p_2u, (1) where u=u(x) and p_i=p_i(x) are real functions of x on the region of interest ...
A lattice polygon consisting of a closed self-avoiding walk on a square lattice. The perimeter, horizontal perimeter, vertical perimeter, and area are all well-defined for ...
A point process N is called self-correcting if cov(N(s,t),N(t,u))<0 for s<t<u where here, cov denotes the covariance of the two quantities. Intuitively, a process is ...
A self-dual graphs is a graph that is dual to itself. Wheel graphs are self-dual, as are the examples illustrated above. Naturally, the skeleton of a self-dual polyhedron is ...
A point process N is called self-exciting if cov(N(s,t),N(t,u))>0 for s<t<u where here, cov denotes the covariance of the two quantities. Intuitively, a process is ...
