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An octic graph is a regular graph of degree eight. The numbers of simple octic graphs on n=9, 10, 11, ... nodes are 1, 6, 94, 10786, 3459386, ... (OEIS A014378). Examples are ...
A univariate function f(x) is said to be odd provided that f(-x)=-f(x). Geometrically, such functions are symmetric about the origin. Examples of odd functions include x, ...
Let two disks of radius r intersect one another perpendicularly and have a diameter in common. If the distance between the centers of the disks is sqrt(2) times their radius, ...
The omega constant is defined as W(1)=0.5671432904... (1) (OEIS A030178), where W(x) is the Lambert W-function. It is available in the Wolfram Language using the function ...
A function H that maps an arbitrary length message M to a fixed length message digest MD is a one-way hash function if 1. It is a one-way function. 2. Given M and H(M), it is ...
The ordinary Onsager equation is the sixth-order ordinary differential equation (d^3)/(dx^3)[e^x(d^2)/(dx^2)(e^x(dy)/(dx))]=f(x) (Vicelli 1983; Zwillinger 1997, p. 128), ...
A sentential formula that contains at least one free variable (Carnap 1958, p. 24). A sentential variable containing no free variables (i.e., all variables are bound) is ...
The operator norm of a linear operator T:V->W is the largest value by which T stretches an element of V, ||T||=sup_(||v||=1)||T(v)||. (1) It is necessary for V and W to be ...
The ophiuride is a cubic curve (left figure) given by the implicit equation x(x^2+y^2)+(ax-by)y=0, (1) where a>0,b>=0, or by the polar equation ...
A branch of mathematics which encompasses many diverse areas of minimization and optimization. Optimization theory is the more modern term for operations research. ...
