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3451 - 3460 of 3946 for complex functionSearch Results
A linear congruence equation ax=b (mod m) (1) is solvable iff the congruence b=0 (mod d) (2) with d=GCD(a,m) is the greatest common divisor is solvable. Let one solution to ...
Consider the general system of two first-order ordinary differential equations x^. = f(x,y) (1) y^. = g(x,y). (2) Let x_0 and y_0 denote fixed points with x^.=y^.=0, so ...
A locus is the set of all points (usually forming a curve or surface) satisfying some condition. For example, the locus of points in the plane equidistant from a given point ...
A finite sequence of real numbers {a_k}_(k=1)^n is said to be logarithmically concave (or log-concave) if a_i^2>=a_(i-1)a_(i+1) holds for every a_i with 1<=i<=n-1. A ...
The Lucas cubic is a pivotal isotomic cubic having pivot point at Kimberling center X_(69), the isogonal conjugate of the orthocenter, i.e., the locus of points P such that ...
The points of tangency of the Lucas inner circle with the Lucas circles are the inverses of the vertices A, B, and C in the Lucas circles radical circle. These form the Lucas ...
When P and Q are integers such that D=P^2-4Q!=0, define the Lucas sequence {U_k} by U_k=(a^k-b^k)/(a-b) for k>=0, with a and b the two roots of x^2-Px+Q=0. Then define a ...
A theorem that can be stated either in the language of abstract algebraic curves or transcendental extensions. For an abstract algebraic curve, if x and y are nonconstant ...
The Maltese cross is a symbol identified with the Christian warrior whose outward points form an octagon (left figure). Another class of cross sometimes (incorrectly) known ...
Consider the local behavior of a map f:R^m->R^n by choosing a point x in R^m and an open neighborhood U subset R^m such that x in U. Now consider the set of all mappings ...
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