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2511 - 2520 of 3946 for complex functionSearch Results
The fish curve is a term coined in this work for the ellipse negative pedal curve with pedal point at the focus for the special case of the eccentricity e^2=1/2. For an ...
A projection matrix P is an n×n square matrix that gives a vector space projection from R^n to a subspace W. The columns of P are the projections of the standard basis ...
A simplex, sometimes called a hypertetrahedron (Buekenhout and Parker 1998), is the generalization of a tetrahedral region of space to n dimensions. The boundary of a ...
A vector space V is a set that is closed under finite vector addition and scalar multiplication. The basic example is n-dimensional Euclidean space R^n, where every element ...
The (unilateral) Z-transform of a sequence {a_k}_(k=0)^infty is defined as Z[{a_k}_(k=0)^infty](z)=sum_(k=0)^infty(a_k)/(z^k). (1) This definition is implemented in the ...
The (unilateral) Z-transform of a sequence {a_k}_(k=0)^infty is defined as Z[{a_k}_(k=0)^infty](z)=sum_(k=0)^infty(a_k)/(z^k). (1) This definition is implemented in the ...
The nth central trinomial coefficient is defined as the coefficient of x^n in the expansion of (1+x+x^2)^n. It is therefore the middle column of the trinomial triangle, i.e., ...
The fundamental theorem(s) of calculus relate derivatives and integrals with one another. These relationships are both important theoretical achievements and pactical tools ...
Although a numerically computed chaotic trajectory diverges exponentially from the true trajectory with the same initial coordinates, there exists an errorless trajectory ...
A busy beaver is an n-state, 2-color Turing machine which writes a maximum number Sigma(n) of 1s before halting (Rado 1962; Lin and Rado 1965; Shallit 1998). Alternatively, ...
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