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2171 - 2180 of 3946 for complex functionSearch Results
Consider a symmetric triangle wave T(x) of period 2L. Since the function is odd, a_0 = 0 (1) a_n = 0, (2) and b_n = (3) = (32)/(pi^2n^2)cos(1/4npi)sin^3(1/4npi) (4) = ...
The finite difference is the discrete analog of the derivative. The finite forward difference of a function f_p is defined as Deltaf_p=f_(p+1)-f_p, (1) and the finite ...
Gamma functions of argument 2z can be expressed in terms of gamma functions of smaller arguments. From the definition of the beta function, ...
The incenter I is the center of the incircle for a polygon or insphere for a polyhedron (when they exist). The corresponding radius of the incircle or insphere is known as ...
Ball triangle picking is the selection of triples of points (corresponding to vertices of a general triangle) randomly placed inside a ball. n random triangles can be picked ...
The Euler-Maclaurin integration and sums formulas can be derived from Darboux's formula by substituting the Bernoulli polynomial B_n(t) in for the function phi(t). ...
Wirsing (1974) showed, among other results, that if F_n(x) is the Gauss-Kuzmin distribution, then lim_(n->infty)(F_n(x)-lg(1+x))/((-lambda)^n)=Psi(x), (1) where ...
A genetic algorithm is a class of adaptive stochastic optimization algorithms involving search and optimization. Genetic algorithms were first used by Holland (1975). The ...
Consider the Euler product zeta(s)=product_(k=1)^infty1/(1-1/(p_k^s)), (1) where zeta(s) is the Riemann zeta function and p_k is the kth prime. zeta(1)=infty, but taking the ...
A sequence s_n(x) is called a Sheffer sequence iff its generating function has the form sum_(k=0)^infty(s_k(x))/(k!)t^k=A(t)e^(xB(t)), (1) where A(t) = A_0+A_1t+A_2t^2+... ...
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