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101 - 110 of 503 for close-packing of spheresSearch Results

As defined by Gray (1997, p. 201), Viviani's curve, sometimes also called Viviani's window, is the space curve giving the intersection of the cylinder of radius a and center ...
A pair of zips, each zip being half a zipper, which can be zippered up to close a surface along a curve. The concept of a zip-pair can be extremely useful in topological ...
Given integers a and b with close to 2n bits each, the half-GCD of a and b is a 2×2 matrix [u v; u^' v^'] with determinant equal to -1 or 1 such that ua+vb=r and ...
A random polygon is a polygon generated in some random way. Kendall conjectured that the shape of a random polygon is close to a disk as the area of the polygon becomes large ...
The conjecture that the maximum local density is given by rho_(dodecahedron).
A sphere with two handles and two holes, i.e., a genus-2 torus.
An n-dimensional manifold M is said to be a homotopy sphere, if it is homotopy equivalent to the n-sphere S^n. Thus no homotopy group can distinguish between M and S^n. The ...
A sphere with three handles (and three holes), i.e., a genus-3 torus.
Topology is the mathematical study of the properties that are preserved through deformations, twistings, and stretchings of objects. Tearing, however, is not allowed. A ...
The spherical curve taken by a ship which travels from the south pole to the north pole of a sphere while keeping a fixed (but not right) angle with respect to the meridians. ...
