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A hexagon is a six-sided polygon. Several special types of hexagons are illustrated above. In particular, a hexagon with vertices equally spaced around a circle and with all ...
There are at least two distinct (though related) notions of the term Hilbert algebra in functional analysis. In some literature, a linear manifold A of a (not necessarily ...
A homogeneous space M is a space with a transitive group action by a Lie group. Because a transitive group action implies that there is only one group orbit, M is isomorphic ...
The bifurcation of a fixed point to a limit cycle (Tabor 1989).
The solid cut from a horizontal cylinder of length L and radius R by a single plane oriented parallel to the cylinder's axis of symmetry (i.e., a portion of a horizontal ...
The pedal curve of a rectangular hyperbola with the pedal point at the focus is a circle (left figure; Hilbert and Cohn-Vossen 1999, p. 26). The pedal curve of a rectangular ...
As of 2014, the IEEE 754-2008 is the most commonly implemented standard for floating-point arithmetic. This framework is a massive overhaul of its predecessor IEEE 754-1985 ...
If and only if (i.e., necessary and sufficient). The terms "just if" or "exactly when" are sometimes used instead. A iff B is written symbolically as A<->B, A<=>B, A<->B, or ...
Radial line segments whose inward-pointing end produce the illusion of a circle or other figure. The apparent figure has the same color as the background, but appears ...
If a subgroup H of G has a group representation phi:H×W->W, then there is a unique induced representation of G on a vector space V. The original space W is contained in V, ...
