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The circumcircle mid-arc triangle is the triangle whose vertices are given by the circumcircle mid-arc points of a given reference triangle. Its trilinear vertex matrix is ...
A circumellipse is a circumconic of a triangle that is an ellipse. There is an amazing formula for the area of a circumellipse. Let d_A be the length of the chord of the ...
A system of circles obtained by multiplying each radius in a coaxal system by a constant. The Tucker circles are a coaxaloid system (Johnson 1929, p. 277).
A compactification of a topological space X is a larger space Y containing X which is also compact. The smallest compactification is the one-point compactification. For ...
Every finite group G of order greater than one possesses a finite series of subgroups, called a composition series, such that I<|H_s<|...<|H_2<|H_1<|G, where H_(i+1) is a ...
A curve whose name means "shell form." Let C be a curve and O a fixed point. Let P and P^' be points on a line from O to C meeting it at Q, where P^'Q=QP=k, with k a given ...
Let a cone of opening parameter c and vertex at (0,0,0) intersect a sphere of radius r centered at (x_0,y_0,z_0), with the cone oriented such that its axis does not pass ...
The mapping of a grid of regularly ruled squares onto a cone with no overlap or misalignment. Cone nets are possible for vertex angles of 90 degrees, 180 degrees, and 270 ...
A set of quadratic surfaces which share foci. Ellipsoids and one- and two-sheeted hyperboloids can be confocal. These three types of surfaces can be combined to form an ...
A number is said to be cubefree if its prime factorization contains no tripled factors. All primes are therefore trivially cubefree. The cubefree numbers are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ...
