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Attach a string to a point on a curve. Extend the string so that it is tangent to the curve at the point of attachment. Then wind the string up, keeping it always taut. The ...
Let three similar isosceles triangles DeltaA^'BC, DeltaAB^'C, and DeltaABC^' be constructed on the sides of a triangle DeltaABC. Then DeltaABC and DeltaA^'B^'C^' are ...
The 2-cusped epicycloid is called a nephroid. The name nephroid means "kidney shaped" and was first used for the two-cusped epicycloid by Proctor in 1878 (MacTutor Archive). ...
The triangle DeltaA^*B^*C^* obtained by reflecting the vertices of a reference triangle DeltaABC about the opposite sides is called the reflection triangle (Grinberg 2003). ...
Let DeltaABC be a triangle and D a point on the side BC. Let I be the incenter, P the center of the circle tangent to the circumcircle and segments AD and BD, Q the center of ...
An n-trapezohedron, also called an antidipyramid, antibipyramid, or deltohedron (not to be confused with a deltahedron), is a solid composed of interleaved symmetric ...
Specifying three angles A, B, and C does not uniquely define a triangle, but any two triangles with the same angles are similar. Specifying two angles of a triangle ...
A polynomial A_n(x;a) given by the associated Sheffer sequence with f(t)=te^(at), (1) given by A_n(x;a)=x(x-an)^(n-1). (2) The generating function is ...
The number of data points which fall within a given class in a frequency distribution.
The portion of number theory concerned with expressing an integer as a sum of integers from some given set.
