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In antiquity, geometric constructions of figures and lengths were restricted to the use of only a straightedge and compass (or in Plato's case, a compass only; a technique ...
A sphere is defined as the set of all points in three-dimensional Euclidean space R^3 that are located at a distance r (the "radius") from a given point (the "center"). Twice ...
A triangle is a 3-sided polygon sometimes (but not very commonly) called the trigon. Every triangle has three sides and three angles, some of which may be the same. The sides ...
Given two intersecting lines or line segments, the amount of rotation about the point of intersection (the vertex) required to bring one into correspondence with the other is ...
The apeirogon is an extension of the definition of regular polygon to a figure with an infinite number of sides. Its Schläfli symbol is {infty}. The apeirogon can produce a ...
It is always possible to "fairly" divide a cake among n people using only vertical cuts. Furthermore, it is possible to cut and divide a cake such that each person believes ...
A catacaustic is a curve that is the envelope of rays emanating from a specified point (or a point at infinite distance producing parallel rays) for a given mirror shape. The ...
A fiber bundle (also called simply a bundle) with fiber F is a map f:E->B where E is called the total space of the fiber bundle and B the base space of the fiber bundle. The ...
The study of the probabilities involved in geometric problems, e.g., the distributions of length, area, volume, etc. for geometric objects under stated conditions. The ...
