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A curve investigated by Talbot which is the ellipse negative pedal curve with respect to the ellipse's center for ellipses with eccentricity e^2>1/2 (Lockwood 1967, p. 157). ...
A quadrilateral which has an incircle, i.e., one for which a single circle can be constructed which is tangent to all four sides. Opposite sides of such a quadrilateral ...
The third Brocard point has triangle center function alpha=a^(-3) and is Kimberling center X_(76) (Kimberling 1998, p. 78). The point may have received its name since its ...
The Thomson cubic Z(X_2) of a triangle DeltaABC is the locus the centers of circumconics whose normals at the vertices are concurrent. It is a self-isogonal cubic with pivot ...
If three conics pass through two given points Q and Q^', then the lines joining the other two intersections of each pair of conics P_(ij)P_(ij)^' are concurrent at a point X ...
A toric section is a curve obtained by slicing a torus (generally a horn torus) with a plane. A spiric section is a special case of a toric section in which the slicing plane ...
With n cuts of a torus of genus 1, the maximum number of pieces which can be obtained is N(n)=1/6(n^3+3n^2+8n). The first few terms are 2, 6, 13, 24, 40, 62, 91, 128, 174, ...
The total graph T(G) of a graph G has a vertex for each edge and vertex of G and an edge in T(G) for every edge-edge, vertex-edge, and vertex-vertex adjacency in G ...
Two submanifolds X and Y in an ambient space M intersect transversally if, for all p in X intersection Y, TX_p+TY_p={v+w:v in TX_p,w in TY_p}=TM_p, where the addition is in ...
The above two figures are rearrangements of each other, with the corresponding triangles and polyominoes having the same areas. Nevertheless, the bottom figure has an area ...
