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Abstract algebra is the set of advanced topics of algebra that deal with abstract algebraic structures rather than the usual number systems. The most important of these ...
The axiom of Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory which asserts that sets formed by the same elements are equal, forall x(x in a=x in b)=>a=b. Note that some texts (e.g., Devlin ...
The axiom of Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory which asserts the existence for any set a and a formula A(y) of a set x consisting of all elements of a satisfying A(y), exists x ...
Let A^~, B^~, ... be operators. Then the commutator of A^~ and B^~ is defined as [A^~,B^~]=A^~B^~-B^~A^~. (1) Let a, b, ... be constants, then identities include [f(x),x] = 0 ...
A cyclotomic field Q(zeta) is obtained by adjoining a primitive root of unity zeta, say zeta^n=1, to the rational numbers Q. Since zeta is primitive, zeta^k is also an nth ...
A technique in set theory invented by P. Cohen (1963, 1964, 1966) and used to prove that the axiom of choice and continuum hypothesis are independent of one another in ...
An integer d is a fundamental discriminant if it is not equal to 1, not divisible by any square of any odd prime, and satisfies d=1 (mod 4) or d=8,12 (mod 16). The function ...
The McLaughlin graph is a 112-regular graph on 275 nodes and 15400 edges that can be constructed from the Witt design. It is distance-regular with intersection array ...
Perhaps the most commonly-studied oriented point lattice is the so-called north-east lattice which orients each edge of L in the direction of increasing coordinate-value. ...
Let (A,<=) and (B,<=) be disjoint totally ordered sets with order types alpha and beta. Then the ordinal sum is defined at set (C=A union B,<=) where, if c_1 and c_2 are both ...
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