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The volume of a solid body is the amount of "space" it occupies. Volume has units of length cubed (i.e., cm^3, m^3, in^3, etc.) For example, the volume of a box (cuboid) of ...
To find the motion of a rectangular membrane with sides of length L_x and L_y (in the absence of gravity), use the two-dimensional wave equation ...
The term "wedge" has a number of different meanings in mathematics. It is sometimes used as another name for the caret symbol. The term also refers to the notation ( ^ ) used ...
The wedge product is the product in an exterior algebra. If alpha and beta are differential k-forms of degrees p and q, respectively, then alpha ^ beta=(-1)^(pq)beta ^ alpha. ...
The Weierstrass zeta function zeta(z;g_2,g_3) is the quasiperiodic function defined by (dzeta(z;g_2,g_3))/(dz)=-P(z;g_2,g_3), (1) where P(z;g_2,g_3) is the Weierstrass ...
A well-covered graph is a graph for which every minimal vertex cover has the same size, which is equivalent to every maximal independent vertex set being the same size. It is ...
Let (K,L) be a pair consisting of finite, connected CW-complexes where L is a subcomplex of K. Define the associated chain complex C(K,L) group-wise for each p by setting ...
The Whittaker functions arise as solutions to the Whittaker differential equation. The linearly independent solutions to this equation are M_(k,m)(z) = ...
The "witch of Agnesi" is a curve studied by Maria Agnesi in 1748 in her book Instituzioni analitiche ad uso della gioventù italiana (the first surviving mathematical work ...
Wynn's epsilon-method is a method for numerical evaluation of sums and products that samples a number of additional terms in the series and then tries to extrapolate them by ...
