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A polyhedron compound is an arrangement of a number of interpenetrating polyhedra, either all the same or of several distinct types, usually having visually attractive ...
A polyhedron dissection (or decomposition) is a dissection of one or more polyhedra into other shapes. Two polyhedra can be dissected into each other iff they have equal Dehn ...
If P be a point in the plane of an equilateral triangle DeltaABC, then the lengths of line segments AP, BP, and CP correspond the sides of a triangle, which is degenerate ...
The probability density function (PDF) P(x) of a continuous distribution is defined as the derivative of the (cumulative) distribution function D(x), D^'(x) = ...
The topology on the Cartesian product X×Y of two topological spaces whose open sets are the unions of subsets A×B, where A and B are open subsets of X and Y, respectively. ...
A prolate spheroid is a spheroid that is "pointy" instead of "squashed," i.e., one for which the polar radius c is greater than the equatorial radius a, so c>a (called ...
The wave equation in prolate spheroidal coordinates is del ...
A proof that is only based on visual elements, without any comments. An arithmetic identity can be demonstrated by a picture showing a self-evident equality between numerical ...
Proportionally cutting circles are circles that intersect the sidelines of a reference triangle DeltaABC such that length of the chords that are cut off have lengths mua, ...
A pyramidal frustum is a frustum made by chopping the top off a pyramid. It is a special case of a prismatoid. For a right pyramidal frustum, let s be the slant height, h the ...
