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12011 - 12020 of 13134 for catastrophe theorySearch Results

Given an m×n matrix A, the fundamental theorem of linear algebra is a collection of results relating various properties of the four fundamental matrix subspaces of A. In ...
An extension of two-valued logic such that statements need not be true or false, but may have a degree of truth between 0 and 1. Such a system can be extremely useful in ...
Let two players each have a finite number of pennies (say, n_1 for player one and n_2 for player two). Now, flip one of the pennies (from either player), with each player ...
The Game of Logic, described by Lewis Carroll--author of Alice in Wonderland--in 1887 (Carroll 1972) consists of discussing the meaning of propositions like "Some fresh cakes ...
An adaptive Gaussian quadrature method for numerical integration in which error is estimation based on evaluation at special points known as "Kronrod points." By suitably ...
The so-called generalized Fourier integral is a pair of integrals--a "lower Fourier integral" and an "upper Fourier integral"--which allow certain complex-valued functions f ...
A generalized Fourier series is a series expansion of a function based on the special properties of a complete orthogonal system of functions. The prototypical example of ...
The generalized Gell-Mann matrices are the n^2-1 matrices generating the Lie algebra associated to the special unitary group SU(n), n>=2. As their name suggests, these ...
In 1757, V. Riccati first recorded the generalizations of the hyperbolic functions defined by F_(n,r)^alpha(x)=sum_(k=0)^infty(alpha^k)/((nk+r)!)x^(nk+r), (1) for r=0, ..., ...
A board covered by a lattice of pegs around which one can span rubber bands to form segments and polygons. It was invented by the Egyptian mathematician and pedagogist Caleb ...
