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961 - 970 of 1716 for cartesian equationSearch Results

Also known as the total curvature. The linear element of the indicatrix ds_P=sqrt(ds_T^2+ds_B^2).
The third Morley cubic is the triangle cubic with trilinear equation It passes through Kimberling centers X_n for n=1, 357, 358, 1136, and 1137.
The quartic surface given by the equation x^4+y^4+z^4-(x^2+y^2+z^2)=0.
A totally disconnected space is a space in which all subsets with more than one element are disconnected. In particular, if it has more than one element, it is a disconnected ...
To inscribe an equilateral triangle in an ellipse, place the top polygon vertex at (0,b), then solve to find the (x,y) coordinate of the other two vertices. ...
The plane curve given by the equation xy=x^3-a^3, illustrated above for values of a ranging from 0 to 3. For a=0, the trident degenerated to a parabola.
The plane curve given by the equation axy = (a+x)(a-x)(2a-x) (1) = x^3-2ax^2-a^2x+2a^3, (2) which, solving for y, gives y=((a+x)(a-x)(2a-x))/(ax). (3) The plots above are for ...
The Trott curve is a simple example of a quartic curve having 28 real bitangents-the maximum possible for a quartic-given by the equation ...
The Tucker-Brocard cubic is the triangle cubic with trilinear equation abcsum_(cyclic)aalpha(b^2beta^2+c^2gamma^2)=alphabetagammasum_(cyclic)a^2(b^4+c^4). It passes through ...
The Tucker cubic is the triangle cubic with trilinear equation secAsecBsecCsum_(cyclic)aalpha(b^2beta^2+c^2gamma^2) =alphabetagammasum_(cyclic)asecA(b^2sec^2B+c^2sec^2C). It ...
