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A k×n Latin rectangle is a k×n matrix with elements a_(ij) in {1,2,...,n} such that entries in each row and column are distinct. If k=n, the special case of a Latin square ...
The nth root of the denominator B_n of the nth convergent A_n/B_n of a number x tends to a constant lim_(n->infty)B_n^(1/n) = e^beta (1) = e^(pi^2/(12ln2)) (2) = 3.275823... ...
The function lambda(n)=(-1)^(Omega(n)), (1) where Omega(n) is the number of not necessarily distinct prime factors of n, with Omega(1)=0. The values of lambda(n) for n=1, 2, ...
Liouville's constant, sometimes also called Liouville's number, is the real number defined by L=sum_(n=1)^infty10^(-n!)=0.110001000000000000000001... (OEIS A012245). ...
Zygmund (1988, p. 192) noted that there exists a number alpha_0 in (0,1) such that for each alpha>=alpha_0, the partial sums of the series sum_(n=1)^(infty)n^(-alpha)cos(nx) ...
The Lucas-Lehmer test is an efficient deterministic primality test for determining if a Mersenne number M_n is prime. Since it is known that Mersenne numbers can only be ...
Marion's theorem (Mathematics Teacher 1993, Maushard 1994, Morgan 1994) states that the area of the central hexagonal region determined by trisection of each side of a ...
Let kappa_1 and kappa_2 be the principal curvatures, then their mean H=1/2(kappa_1+kappa_2) (1) is called the mean curvature. Let R_1 and R_2 be the radii corresponding to ...
A circle that in internally tangent to two sides of a triangle and to the circumcircle is called a mixtilinear incircle. There are three mixtilinear incircles, one ...
The modified bessel function of the second kind is the function K_n(x) which is one of the solutions to the modified Bessel differential equation. The modified Bessel ...
