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1071 - 1080 of 1716 for cartesian equationSearch Results

Fok (1946) and Hazewinkel (1988, p. 65) call v(z) = 1/2sqrt(pi)Ai(z) (1) w_1(z) = 2e^(ipi/6)v(omegaz) (2) w_2(z) = 2e^(-ipi/6)v(omega^(-1)z), (3) where Ai(z) is an Airy ...
Ai(z) and Ai^'(z) have zeros on the negative real axis only. Bi(z) and Bi^'(z) have zeros on the negative real axis and in the sector pi/3<|argz|<pi/2. The nth (real) roots ...
An algebraic function is a function f(x) which satisfies p(x,f(x))=0, where p(x,y) is a polynomial in x and y with integer coefficients. Functions that can be constructed ...
Algebraic number theory is the branch of number theory that deals with algebraic numbers. Historically, algebraic number theory developed as a set of tools for solving ...
The Andrews-Schur identity states sum_(k=0)^nq^(k^2+ak)[2n-k+a; k]_q =sum_(k=-infty)^inftyq^(10k^2+(4a-1)k)[2n+2a+2; n-5k]_q([10k+2a+2]_q)/([2n+2a+2]_q) (1) where [n; m]_q is ...
An entire function which is a generalization of the Bessel function of the first kind defined by J_nu(z)=1/piint_0^picos(nutheta-zsintheta)dtheta. Anger's original function ...
The anticomplement of a point P in a reference triangle DeltaABC is a point P^' satisfying the vector equation P^'G^->=2GP^->, (1) where G is the triangle centroid of ...
A number of the form 2^n that contains the digits 666 (i.e., the beast number) is called an apocalyptic number. 2^(157) is an apocalyptic number. The first few such powers ...
The best known example of an Anosov diffeomorphism. It is given by the transformation [x_(n+1); y_(n+1)]=[1 1; 1 2][x_n; y_n], (1) where x_(n+1) and y_(n+1) are computed mod ...
The atom-spiral, also known as the atomic spiral, is the curve with polar equation r=theta/(theta-a) for a real parameter a (van Maldeghem 2002). When theta is allows to vary ...
