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1061 - 1070 of 1716 for cartesian equationSearch Results

When discussing a rotation, there are two possible conventions: rotation of the axes, and rotation of the object relative to fixed axes. In R^2, consider the matrix that ...
A quantity which gives the inclination of a curve or line with respect to another curve or line. For a line in the xy-plane making an angle theta with the x-axis, the slope m ...
Stirling's approximation gives an approximate value for the factorial function n! or the gamma function Gamma(n) for n>>1. The approximation can most simply be derived for n ...
A twin Pythagorean triple is a Pythagorean triple (a,b,c) for which two values are consecutive integers. By definition, twin triplets are therefore primitive triples. Of the ...
A weakly binary tree is a planted tree in which all nonroot graph vertices are adjacent to at most three graph vertices. Let g(z)=sum_(i=0)^inftyg_iz^i, (1) be the generating ...
The pure equation x^p=C of prime degree p is irreducible over a field when C is a number of the field but not the pth power of an element of the field. Jeffreys and Jeffreys ...
Affine functions represent vector-valued functions of the form f(x_1,...,x_n)=A_1x_1+...+A_nx_n+b. The coefficients can be scalars or dense or sparse matrices. The constant ...
An affine geometry is a geometry in which properties are preserved by parallel projection from one plane to another. In an affine geometry, the third and fourth of Euclid's ...
A two-dimensional affine geometry constructed over a finite field. For a field F of size n, the affine plane consists of the set of points which are ordered pairs of elements ...
Let V be a vector space over a field K, and let A be a nonempty set. Now define addition p+a in A for any vector a in V and element p in A subject to the conditions: 1. ...
