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A dissection fallacy is an apparent paradox arising when two plane figures with different areas seem to be composed by the same finite set of parts. In order to produce this ...
A letter of the alphabet drawn with doubled vertical strokes is called doublestruck, or sometimes blackboard bold (because doublestruck characters provide a means of ...
A hedgehog is an envelope parameterized by its Gauss map (Martinez-Maure 1996). Viewed another way, a hedgehog is a Minkowski difference of a convex body (Martinez-Maure ...
The Kronecker-Weber theorem, sometimes known as the Kronecker-Weber-Hilbert theorem, is one of the earliest known results in class field theory. In layman's terms, the ...
Given a map with genus g>0, Heawood showed in 1890 that the maximum number N_u of colors necessary to color a map (the chromatic number) on an unbounded surface is N_u = ...
Every position of every impartial game has a nim-value, making it equivalent to a nim-heap. To find the nim-value (also called the Sprague-Grundy number), take the mex of the ...
A game which is played by the following rules. Given one or more piles (nim-heaps), players alternate by taking all or some of the counters in a single heap. The player ...
Hadamard matrices H_n can be constructed using finite field GF(p^m) when p=4l-1 and m is odd. Pick a representation r relatively prime to p. Then by coloring white ...
The answer to the question "which fits better, a round peg in a square hole, or a square peg in a round hole?" can be interpreted as asking which is larger, the ratio of the ...
A pentomino is a 5-polyomino. There are 12 free pentominoes, 18 one-sided pentominoes, and 63 fixed pentominoes. The twelve free pentominoes are known by the letters of the ...